Gentleman basics

Gentleman basics

photo credit: Architectural Digest   

photo credit: Architectural Digest



When building your wardrobe start with the basics. If one looks at a finished skyscraper, it is hard to imagine all of the steps it took to build that tower, but the builder knows that it started with a well-constructed foundation. Building your wardrobe is much the same. A good foundation of well made garments will pay you dividends for years to come.

Like the skyscraper, a good wardrobe is not built in few days. Unless you have a lot of money that you want to allocate to this right away, it takes time. But there are relatively few items that you must have as a man just to begin. These items we will call your basics, and they are a “safe zone” that I have found to be acceptable no matter where a man has to go, from work to recreation, from large party to intimate event, from elegant to casual.  You can start with basics, and by adding a few items each year your wardrobe will grow. It can be changed and assessed as your taste in clothing changes, but your basics will always be the foundation of your wardrobe. The basics really will not change, and only need to be replaced as they wear out.  

Here are items any gentleman should have to be properly dressed at almost all of the occasions in which he will find himself. You may have all or most of these items in your closet already, but I am going to divide this list up into rounds, or steps, as though you were starting from zero. That way, no person would have to buy everything at once. You will purchase based upon your available finances. A well-dressed man does not have to have a lot of money. You just have to have an eye for well-made items and the patience to purchase carefully, knowing that your purchases are an investment in who you are becoming. My list and my pictures will help to train you to purchase wisely, so that you avoid waste. And as you begin this process, you will also discover your own sense of taste.

It is important for each person to create his own style, and when I work with people, I always try to understand their lifestyle and personality first. This way, I can help them polish their appearance based upon their travel experiences, their personal goals and desires, and even some curated imperfection that makes that particular individual charming. 


1st round: Navy blue suit, dark grey suit, (you can combine the blue blazer and grey pants and you will get 3 outfit out of it)

You will find the navy blue suit to be a most versatile item. It can be worn to work and at an evening cocktail or event. The suit jacket can be worn as a blazer with almost every color and kind of trouser and with jeans. Because of its versatility and the fact that you will use it so often, I would suggest that you invest in good quality here. (my suggestion is not to buy them in delicate materials such as linen, silk or wool over super 150; they tend to wear off easily)


1st round: light beige chinos, lighter (than the suit) grey trousers


1st round: white shirts, light blue oxford shirt, white and light blue stripes, white and navy blue stripes.


1st round: v-neck navy blue, v-neck grey, blue cardigan, light grey cardigan or light beige.


1st round: blue jeans, dark blue jeans


1st round: Dark brown, cognac, black (Make sure the point is not square, too potty or to wide) 

Eventually you will get more shoes, with different shape and color variation but those 3 pair will probably be the one you will wear the most.


You will want a couple of polo shirts (I would go for a white and a navy blue, as both of these colors go well with most skin tones and most other colors you might wear), a couple of long sleeved t-shirts (I would recommend navy blue and black), and a couple of short sleeved t-shirts (navy blue and grey or white). You can wear any of these shirts with suit pants, trousers, and jeans in casual settings and shorts if you are in warm climate conditions.

Some people prefer black to navy blue, and this is fine, although I personally feel that navy blue is timeless, classic and perfect in every season, while black can be considered passe due to overuse

I was a young man when I started to build a wardrobe of good items, and even though I now have a good many different suits, shoes, sweaters, pants and polos, and I still find myself choosing to wear the classic items I have mentioned as your basics.

You will be surprised at the number of outfit variations you will be able to pull from the “Basics" list. Each of your two suits can go with all of the shirts. Each shirt can go with all of the sweaters, trousers, jeans, and shoes. Each of the trousers can go with each pair of shoes, polos, t-shirts, and they all will look great with the addition of the blue blazer from the blue suit…and so on. Your wardrobe is well on its way to taking you everywhere in style.



photo credits: Suitsupply & Vass shoes

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