TIPS What Beard is Right for Me?

TIPS What Beard is Right for Me?


You’ve decided you would like to grow some facial hair. Now, there are some factors to consider when deciding what style to go after. Below are some of the factors that should help you find the right style and shape.

How does your hair naturally grow?

Thick, fast, thin, slow? These factors are going to limit your options and will dictate which type of beard you can grow. If your hair doesn’t grow fast or thick, you will have to be prepared to wait awhile to get any of the longer looks.

What is your face shape?

Do you have a square face, a round face, or an oval face? It is best to analyze how a beard would accent your face shape. For example, some men choose to elongate a round face with a long beard.

How dense is your hair?

Some beard types require more density than others. If your facial hair is not very dense, you might want to consider a patchy beard style. If your hair does grow densely, you can consider most of the longer beard styles.

What is your style in clothing, hair, and other aesthetic choices?

If you have a clean, professional look, then you probably wouldn’t want to accent your look with a lumberjack. However, the lumberjack is a fantastic choice for a hipster style. To each is own!

What is the “beard” culture in your community?

Depending on where you live, different beard styles will be prevalent. Some people like to stand out with a unique beard style, but others would feel more comfortable in a look that is already culturally accepted. Personally, this is not a primary driving factor for me and I believe the other factors should be primary in your consideration.

This article is a great resource for more about beard types and much more.

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