Thank You Cards — A Gentleman’s Obligation
Nowadays, because of all the communication channels we have through technology, we often forget to take the time to write a thank you card to someone who has blessed us in some way. It seems it easier to comunicate our appreciation to somebody by sending a text, email or even through a post on Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat.
True, it is definitely faster to reach the person we would like to thank by sending a message the “tech” way. I believe, though, that a simple, hand written thank you card is not only a matter of good manners, but a more appreciated way to say thank you.
You always want to acknowledge your gratitude for any gift, time, or advice you may receive; it shows the person you are sending it to that what they did for you was truly appreciated.
Why? Think about the time somebody put in sitting with you to listen and give you advice, or the time (and money) he/she put in to have you over for dinner, lunch or drinks, including preparing and cleaning both before and after, or the time somebody spent in thinking what to get you as a present, and then the effort it took to actually get it for you.
Your thank you note doesn’t have to be a book or a poem or anything fancy; you can simply say thank you and why you appreciated what was done. I would always suggest you just speak from your heart, because that can never be wrong
However, you may still appreciate some ideas here on what to write:
My suggestion is always to keep it it simple and classy, even on the choice of your stationary
Bespoke stationary from Forgetful Gentleman
For a more affordable cards The Stationery Studio offers a lot of options
I know that for some people, it can be difficult to communicate with somebody else, but investing in the people around us and people we love will always be one of the best investments we can make. If you can make somebody feel happy and appreciated, you will feel better yourself.
Here below few links of stationary a gentleman would appreciate using: