Be your own brand, don’t hide behind the market choices

Be your own brand, don’t hide behind the market choices

Styles change so fast, I can’t keep up. What would you say is the secret to not needing to follow trends but still stay stylish? 

Oscar Wilde said once: "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months”. So I really wouldn’t worry about following trends too much unless it is part of your personality, and you want to express it in the way you dress, and in that case you wouldn’t feel any rejection that may come your way because of your choices. 

Trends are mostly set up by brands to make money, by masses going through a cultural change, or by celebrities that need a way to feel legitimized as to their influence on others.

My best advise is to keep it classic with the main outfit (suits and coats) and follow the trends you like with accessories: a scarf, cufflinks, hat, watch, bracelet, sweaters or even shoes. By doing that you are able to enjoy the trend and make it yours rather than feel a slave to it. Or you start creating your own style, just using trends to add pieces to your closets.

I think the best use of clothing is to express your highest self. Be your own brand! Don't hide behind the market choices, and don't let others dictate who you present yourself to be. Here is where there is safety in the classic. You will present yourself as having knowledge of fine workmanship and design, but you will not have to redo your wardrobe every few months. After that, your choice in accessories is self-expression...your brand!

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