Do people really feel more comfortable in dressing casual all the time?

Do people really feel more comfortable in dressing casual all the time?

Isn’t it a good thing for people to become more comfortable in their own skin and representation of themselves?

I believe its good when it comes to self confidence; more confidence, sustained by an humble heart, creates less frustration, therefore less aggression, that is great for the person and for society in general. But my question is, why would you dress down to feel more comfortable? 

In my experience, people who begin dressing with care and to impress (of course, with an understanding of where you are going. No tuxedo is needed to watch your child play football.) seem to feel better about themselves. That projects happiness to the people surrounding them. Husbands are nicer to their wives, fathers are more attentive toward their children’s needs, employees perform better at work, and bosses are better leaders.

Though the clothes help, without a new mindset, a person will eventually ruin the impression he is trying to make. That is why it is so important for any person that I work with to agree to a personal growth plan. Just learning a few basic manners and presentation tips will not turn a person into a gentleman. And I also like to help people learn their own personal style. Do you love color or do you like neutrals? Are you a person who prefers being surrounded by people and you are the life of the party, or do you prefer quiet? It is important to present yourself in an honest manner, but you don’t need to go everywhere in sweatpants or pajamas.That actually just shows that you are lazy or overwhelmed or depressed. 

So when I work with a person, we look at what it means to give, to have a moral base for your beliefs, to be an inspiration for others. And we work on goals and lifestyle changes that a person may want to make. All of this becomes a part of the well-rounded, successful gentleman who is a gift to the people around him and an asset to his  world. 


The world is becoming more casual

The world is becoming more casual